Vision 20/20 Update

Preliminary Report: Reflections on the Past

The congregation met with Bill Wilson on January 22 to reflect on our past. More specifically, he led us to remember when we joined HHBC, why we came, and why we have stayed. Then, as we shared around the tables, we began to list what we saw as the core traits of HHBC. We had a make-up session on February 12 where we repeated the exercise. We have now processed the results and so here is what the leadership team heard the congregation, as a whole saying (these were clearly the top responses):

Why People Joined HHBC

  • Relationships (parents, spouses, friends)
  • HHBC’s Identity (CBF, supportive of women in ministry, openness, inclusiveness, etc.)
  • Faith Development (Sunday School, Childrens’ and Youth Ministries, etc.)
  • Preaching/Pastor/Staff

Why People Stay at HHBC

  • Relationships
  • Faith Development
  • HHBC’s Identity
  • Ministers

Core Traits of HHBC

  • Moderate/progressive identity
  • Caring and supportive
  • Warm and Friendly atmosphere

Again, this is what we thought we heard you saying. We need your help now to let us know if we have heard you correctly. If you have any questions or observations, please see Paul Lewis or any member of the leadership team: Jay Davis, Helen Dunwody, Keith Gammons, Anne Heath, Rachel Huston, Girard Jones, Pam Kent, and Jean Trotter.

Vision 20/20Church Office