Highland Hills Baptist Church

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Next Steps in Vision 20/20

Below are the initiatives that the congregation affirmed in worship on June 4. Over the summer, the team is working on a plan to put them in place. We ask that you reflect on them, too—and prayerfully consider where God is calling you to participate. Look for more details next month.

  • Vital Worship. Worship at HHBC calls us to praise, love, and serve God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. Worship draws creatively from diverse Christian traditions, along with the gifts and experiences of the entire congregation.
  • Intentional Faith Development.Members of HHBC are biblically literate, theologically and historically knowledgeable, and growing spiritually so that they engage community and culture in ways faithful to our unique Baptist identity. A variety of serious faith development opportunities are available for all age groups; some take place on Sunday mornings and others throughout the week at different locations in the city.
  • Radical Hospitality. HHBC embodies Christ’s radical call to and welcome of all people to participate in the reign of God. Not only do people feel at home and valued inside the church walls, but the church also reaches across Macon- Bibb in a variety of ways to address the range of human needs: physical, mental, social, spiritual, etc.
  • Risk-Taking Missions. HHBC involves every age and ability in practicing transforming love for our city, while partnering with national and global agencies to further God’s kingdom around the country and world.
  • Passionate Community. HHBC is characterized by such a strong sense of community that we are motivated to care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our members across generational lines.
  • Generous Stewardship. All members of HHBC, as one of their spiritual disciplines, give generously of their time, talents, and money. In turn, the church makes wise use of these gifts for furthering God’s kingdom.