Highland Hills Baptist Church

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Stephen Ministry Matters

Recognizing that God is the ultimate Cure Giver, the Mission of the Highland Hills Baptist Church Stephen Ministry is to serve God and bring Christ’s healing love to individuals who are experiencing life’s challenges through confidential, non-judgmental, one-on-one Christian care.


Renee Bennett facilitated Module #16—Supervision: A Key to Quality Christian Care. Supervision is such an essential part of Stephen Ministry that the trainees receive training in two separate sessions of 2 1/2 hours each. They learn what tools they have available for supervision and how to use them, with special emphasis on the Focus Question Sets. Two videos add to the learning. Stephen Ministry Small Group Peer Supervision: A Demonstration is used with Part 1 of the module. Focus on specific Supervision Skills is used with both parts. Additional instruction on preserving confidentiality is supervision helps to ensure that Stephen Minister trainees maintain the trust of their care receivers at the highest levels. A practice supervision session reinforces the skills.

Learning how to engage in the process of small group peer supervision so that they will be able to offer the highest-quality Christian care possible for their care receivers.