Opportunities to Prepare for Our Future

As the Old Testament tells the story of the Israelites entering the Promised Land, the book of Joshua opens with Joshua sending out two spies to see what awaits the Israelites in their new world of Canaan. As we look forward to what comes next for us at HHBC, we need to learn all we can about what awaits us in our changing world.

To that end, Intentional Faith Development, in conversation with Greg DeLoach, the Coordinating Council, and the Deacons, offers two opportunities to explore in some depth the possibilities that lie ahead.

The first is a series of combined Sunday School classes to be held once a month starting on December 4 as Greg leads us in a series on “Preparing the Church for Tomorrow, Today.” The second is a weekend retreat with Chuck Poole on March 25­–26.

While the details of the retreat are still being decided, the topics for the series are listed below. Mark your calendars now and plan to participate.

Session 1 – Tomorrow’s Ministers
December 4, 9:30-10:30 am in the Chapel
This session will help us understand the changing landscape of ministerial identity by examining the future of theological education and how students are pursuing their calling in seminary.

Session 2 – Generation Next – What to Expect
January 8, 9:30-10:30 am in the Chapel
HHBC, like all churches, must pass the faith from one generation to the next. This session will examine the characteristics of Gen X, “Xennials,” and Millennials to understand what they are looking for (or not) in matters of faith.

Session 3 – Still Small Voice – Wonder and Belonging
February 5, 9:30-10:30 am in the Chapel
Because of our interest in things that are sacred and spiritual, HHBC is ideally positioned to help people explore spiritual ideas, ethical problems, and all that goes into cultivating a life of meaning that matters. How might we do that?

Session 4 – Mission Possible – What We Do Matters
March 12, 12:00 pm in the Great Room, including a pot-luck lunch
For our future members, building on the mission work of HHBC will matter most. How do we see God at work in the world, in Macon, and in our immediate neighborhood?

Passionate CommunityFaithlab