What is Stephen Ministry?

Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care for individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.

Who are Stephen Leaders?

Stephen Leaders (may be lay leaders, pastors and/or church staff) receive 50 hours of training at a week-long Stephen Ministry Leaders Training Course (LTC).

Stephen Leaders:

  • Build & sustain the Stephen Leadership team

  • Communicate with the congregation & congregational leaders to promote awareness and build ownership in Stephen Ministry

  • Recruit, select & train Stephen Ministers

  • Utilize the Stephen System to identify people in need of care &, when appropriate, connect them with Stephen Ministers

  • Support & supervise Stephen Ministers

Who are Stephen Ministers?

Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of in-house training to provide confidential, one-on-one care to individuals who are hurting.

A Stephen Minister:

  • Is a congregation member who has the gift of caregiving

  • Is carefully selected and trained to provide emotional and spiritual care for those experiencing life’s difficulties

  • Is a child of God who walks beside a person who is hurting, but does not try to “fix” the problem

  • Is a caring, Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports and encourages his/her care receiver

  • Is “there” for his/her care receivers, meeting faithfully for about an hour each week for as long as there is a need

  • Meets for monthly supervision

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