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Caring for each other is the responsibility of every member of our community.



We take seriously the words of Jesus when he says, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34). Even so, we recognize those with particular gifts and training as representatives of the wider congregation for specific ministries of care. If you or someone you know is in need of care, please contact us.  We would be honored to help.

Deacon Family Ministry


At Highland Hills our deacons serve a special dual role of being both administrators and caregivers. Like the first deacons recorded in Acts, our Deacon Family Ministry ensures that each member of Highland Hills is remembered and cared for. Every member is assigned to a deacon who will pray for them, contact them throughout the year, and coordinate care with the Pastors of the church. Whether it is the occasional card in the mail, a warm meal after surgery, or an extra set of listening ears, our deacons support, serve, and share the love of Christ with our whole community.

HHBC at Home


Whether you are homebound following an illness or injury or for an extended season of life, HHBC at Home seeks to extend the love of God and the support of the Highland Hills community to you. Throughout the year HHBC at Home provides meals, tokens of remembrance, and visits that connect our homebound members to the wider community. We know that God is always present with us, but our “at Home” ministry seeks to be a reminder of that presence to our most isolated members.

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Stephen Ministries


What is Stephen Ministry?

Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care for individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.  Stephen Ministers are not counselors or pastors, but companions offering spiritual and emotional care during hard seasons.


Who are Stephen Ministers?

Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of in-house training to provide confidential, one-on-one care to individuals who are hurting.


A Stephen Minister:

  • Is a congregation member who has the gift of caregiving

  • Is carefully selected and trained to provide emotional and spiritual care for those experiencing life’s difficulties

  • Walks beside a person who is hurting, but does not try to “fix” the problem

  • Listens, cares, prays, supports and encourages the one receiving care

  • Is “there” for his/her care receivers, meeting faithfully for about an hour each week for as long as there is a need 

  • Meets for monthly supervision with a Stephen Ministry Leader


If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Stephen Minister or if you would benefit from being partnered with a Stephen Minister during this season of life, contact us here.

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