At Highland Hills we seek to nurture families who experience God together.
We believe that children and youth know God best by observing the faith of those who love them well. We value your children and youth for who they are and what they teach us about the kingdom of God. Our Family Ministry provides a safe place for all ages to worship, learn, and grow as we journey in faith together. We seek to help children and youth become followers of Christ through education and spiritual formation with regular weekly programs and special events. Our congregation has a long history of supporting and engaging families with children along the spectrum of neurodiversity. We know that each child is unique and we prioritize deep relationships to share the love of God in meaningful ways. We look forward to ministering alongside your family and hope that within this fellowship you will find a warm and open space where everyone in your family can experience the fullness of God.

Sunday Mornings
Preschoolers (Infants through 5K)
Infants through two-year-olds are cared for in age-appropriate classrooms where they hear Bible stories, sing songs, and play. Preschoolers ages two to five joyfully discover God’s love through story time, art, music, and guided play.
Children (Grades 1 – 5)
Children in grades 1 – 5 will explore the mystery of God’s presence in the world and in their lives through Bible lessons, games, and activities.
Extended Care During Worship
Children of all ages are welcome to worship with their families. Childcare is also available for infants – two-year olds during worship. Children will hear Bible stories and play. Preschoolers (3, 4, and 5-year olds) join the congregation at the beginning of worship. After the children’s sermon preschoolers are escorted to their classrooms for Bible lessons and play. Parents pick up children from Extended Care at the end of worship.
Youth (Grades 6 – 12)
In Sunday School the youth learn to connect the Bible to their lives in interesting and interactive ways. By studying the Bible in the context of what they do at school, at home, with their friends, and with their families, they learn more about God, about each other, and about themselves.