This past week we kicked off our 2025 year in the church with a lively All Church Breakfast. It was such a treat to see so many morning goodies and joyful faces. I enjoyed catching up over coffee and delicious food (a personal favorite was the biscuits and gravy!) and listening to so many across the room do the same. Then, in worship, we celebrated the work of our deacons and coordinating council, and we ordained our newest deacon to service in the church. The service, steeped in prayer, encouragement, and celebration, felt as though we were brewing a strong year.
But, it still raises the question: what does this year bring for us in the life of Highland Hills Baptist Church? I don't fully know the answer for this, since I am not God nor have I been directly told. But as I keep thinking about this year in the life of the church, the word I find myself circling around is quite simple: discipleship.
A quick look at the news reveals chaos, feelings of uncertainty, unrest, or strong emotions. And on a personal level, I think of how many in our church are undergoing public or private big changes in their lives. Seasons of transitions, valleys in our walk with God, or just general malaise. The call of Chris is the same across every season, age, and century: "Follow me" (Matt 16:24). The church is always called to the work of constantly becoming disciples of Christ, living up to the name "Followers of Christ" or "little Christs."
But this year, in particular, the word discipleship strikes a deeper chord because in so many ways it is the work we as a body of Christ should be about. It is the work that we need to be doing in our personal lives and collectively—whether it be in tending to our own faith or in sharing our questions and our struggles with others.
So here is my challenge to us as we start this new year in the life of the church. Consider:
How are you being called to be a disciple of Christ?
How are you being called to better live out the call to "Follow Me?"
Where might you be called to pick something up or let something go to better follow Christ?
My hope and prayer is that we find ourselves wrestling with these questions together and throughout the whole year. I pray that as we embrace in practice and through deep discipleship, we find ourselves drawn to the light and love of God.