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Gathered Table participants at the home of Anne and Neil Heath

The past few weeks in the life of the church, we have been trying something new: Gathered Tables. Meeting at six of our deacons' homes, our members have been coming together simply to enjoy dinner and conversation. Many thanks to our hosts for their generous hospitality and for those who were able to attend this year. I've heard quite a few stories of good conversations and meaningful meals.

Have you ever noticed just how much of Jesus' earthly ministry was around a dinner table? Or just how many times Paul talks about food?

Sometimes churches feel the need for new or flashy programs to develop spiritual growth or more faithful believers, but we forget that Christ was trying to develop disciples, not grow converts. Youth ministry didn't exist in the year 300.

Our spiritual forefathers and mothers can set a great example for us. Norman Wirzba writes, "The evidence of the early church suggests that the community of followers ate together regularly and often, and that in their eating they tried to bear witness to Christ's way of dwelling on earth."

I'm not sure if those who participated in the Gathered Tables this year witnessed Christ's dwelling on the earth around them, but I hope they experienced just a glimpse of something good and holy. And next time you get to eat with fellow church members, or fellow Christians, take a moment to consider the ways God is moving in our lives, or in our world. Something holy might just be afoot!

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